
re:publica24 banner in black with the conferences name and dates. Beneath, the title of the talk on a white background: "Unboxing Amazon - How Amazon is taking over (public) infrastructures and why we should care by Maja-Lee Voigt"
// Monday, May 27, 2024, Berlin

Unboxing Amazon at re:publica 2024!

re:publica24 banner in black with the conferences name and dates. Beneath, the title of the talk on a white background: "Unboxing Amazon - How Amazon is taking over (public) infrastructures and why we should care by Maja-Lee Voigt"

Tech companies like Amazon have quietly become our neighbors in cities. Automating the Logistical City’s Maja-Lee Voigt talked about how they are gaining governmental power and are often perceived as a standard at the re:publica 2024 in Berlin.

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STRG + VERWEIGERUNG on red background
// Open for submissions until October 30, 2023

CfP: Refusal and the Computational City

STRG + VERWEIGERUNG on red background

In this special issue for “Digital Geography and Society”, Automating the Logistical City’s Maja-Lee Voigt and Niloufar Vadiati (HafenCity University Hamburg) seek to draw together a diverse range of essays that addresses prefigurative grassroots urbanism in the context of post-digital cities.

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// 6-9 July 2022

Panel: Urban Speculations

Members of the project Ilia Antenucci and Armin Beverungen are co-organizing (with Andrea Pollio, Polytechnic of Turin, Italy / University of Cape Town, South Africa and Paula Bialski, University of…

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