Unboxing Amazon at re:publica 2024!
Tech companies like Amazon have quietly become our neighbors in cities. Automating the Logistical City’s Maja-Lee Voigt talked about how they are gaining governmental power and are often perceived as a standard at the re:publica 2024 in Berlin.
Justice at the End of the Supply Chain: Interrogating Amazon’s Logistical Urbanism from the Cloud to the Curb
Talk by Armin Beverungen, Ulf Treger and Maja-Lee Voigt at the Speaker Series “Delivery Exception – Supply Chain Justice & Reconciliation” organized by Matthew Hockenberry
Brave New Home – Wie Big Tech die Stadt als ihr erweitertes Wohnzimmer begreift und was wir dagegen tun können
20. Februar 2024 * Exil im JUPITER
[5. Stock, Ex-Karstadt-Sport-Gebäude,
Mönckebergstraße 2-4, 20095 Hamburg]
Workshop, 15.30-17.30 Uhr
Panel Diskussion mit Expertinnen, 18.15-19.30 Uhr
Workshop-Anmeldung gerne an
Call for Participation – Interviewpartner*innen gesucht!
Are you an Amazon (Flex) delivery driver? Then we’re looking for you! We’re curious to learn more about your everyday life, the work you do, your urban knowledge, and how you think Amazon is influencing society and city space.
Black Friday: Kapitalistisches Schlaraffenland – Interview with Maja-Lee Voigt
Amazon liefert alles, jederzeit. “Automating the Logistical City”s Maja-Lee Voigt spricht über die Monopolstellung des Megakonzerns und den Widerstand gegen ihn.
CfP: Refusal and the Computational City
In this special issue for “Digital Geography and Society”, Automating the Logistical City’s Maja-Lee Voigt and Niloufar Vadiati (HafenCity University Hamburg) seek to draw together a diverse range of essays that addresses prefigurative grassroots urbanism in the context of post-digital cities.
PANEL: Circulation Obsession – Following the Flows and Flaws of Big Tech’s Urban Logistical Infrastructures
The Automating the Logistical City project team is organizing a panel on “Circulation Obsession – Following the Flows and Flaws of Big Tech’s Urban Logistical Infrastructures” at the sts-hub in Aachen this March 15-17, 2023. With guests Sarrah Kassem and Valentin Niebler.
CTRL + F_eminist futures_. Hacking algorithmic architectures of cities to come
In this episode of “Hacker Culture”, project member Maja-Lee Voigt introduces her former research on hackfeminist collectives, discussing how important especially FLINTA-hackspaces are in the production of urban spaces in an increasingly digitalized city.